As much as we Rotarians enjoy the fun, friendship, and networking aspects of Rotary, we should always remember that Rotary has the power to enact positive change on a global scale. Rotary has recently undertaken perhaps one of the most difficult challenges in its history - ending human trafficking. This may seem like an impossible task given how ingrained human trafficking is all over the world, the powerful criminal enterprises that profit from it, and cultural obstacles against the empowerment of women, the predominant victims of human trafficking.
What can you do?
  • Educate yourselves and your club on this issue. Invite speakers to provide more information on this issue to your club
  • Identify a Club Champion who can serve as an ongoing club advocate for this initiative. Thank you Mary Nell Zellner for stepping up to be Kick-Start's Club Champion!
If you ever think that human trafficking is too big a problem to tackle, remember this Ethiopian proverb: When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion.
Each of our local Rotary Clubs is one strand of that spider web; together we can end human trafficking.