Help Rotary improve-Take the Online Survey
Posted by David Verbeke
Do you have ideas for making District 5950 more vibrant?
All Rotarians received a November 22 email inviting them to complete an online survey about why we join Rotary, why we stay, and what can be improved. Your responses are confidential. District leaders will use this information to improve our membership approach and public image.
If you haven’t completed the survey yet, please follow this link and spend 5-10 minutes sharing your opinions: The survey is available until December 30. Data will be compared to similar questions from the October 2013 survey when 1,205 Rotarians responded. Results will be shared with members on the District 5950 website, DG newsletter, and at District gatherings such as Mid-Term Assembly and Pre-PETS. Clubs can also request a club-specific compilation of responses.
District leaders sincerely thank you for investing your time and thought in this survey